So far I'm relying solely on the book, will vaguely intending to take the course if a threatened layoff next month gives me time. The book I've only scanned in it's entirety, but I read carefully though the first lesson.
Can you give any tips on identifying the correct position of my pelvis, especially while standing. A full-length mirror leaves me uncertain. Does the desired tilt happen when I clench my "cheeks" in back while tightening my abs inward? Didn't get this from the book. I'm recalling it from a years ago therapy session. In the mirror it seems to rotate my pelvis the wrong way bringing my front thighs forward and cheeks down and in.
Can you give any tips on identifying the correct position of my pelvis, especially while standing. A full-length mirror leaves me uncertain. Does the desired tilt happen when I clench my "cheeks" in back while tightening my abs inward? Didn't get this from the book. I'm recalling it from a years ago therapy session. In the mirror it seems to rotate my pelvis the wrong way bringing my front thighs forward and cheeks down and in.
4 years 7 months ago
06/23/2009 - 2:42pm
A good way to settle your pelvis while standing is to do the little 'squat' as described in the tallstanding chapter. This is done by bending your knees a little, and bending forward a little. While in this squat, let gravity settle your pelvis where it wants to. You can gently bounce a little loosen it up. When your pelvis is nicely settled, come up to standing, though without locking your knees and groin. You want a little give in each of those places.
Standing is a difficult place to address pelvic position initially. Stacksitting can be a much easier place to start, and I would recommend looking at that chapter.
The desired 'tilt' should come from a muscle working -- however, good tone in the gluteus medius helps to keep the pelvis anteverted.
I hope this helps,