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Midback pain while stack sitting and standing

Sherilyns's picture
Last seen:
11 years 3 months ago
02/09/2013 - 3:59am
Midback pain while stack sitting and standing

I have been trying to attain mastery of the exercises for about a week now, but I am worried I am doing something wrong because I have pain in my mid back when I try stack sitting and standing. The pain happens instantly and feels like a combination of muscle fatigue and a mild pinching. 

I am trying to get my form right. When I sit, should I be directly on my sitbones, or a little in front of them? I am consciously not pulling my shoulders back, but I think I may be jutting my chest out. Looking at my back, I have a deep ridge that goes from my buttom to the start of my shoulder blades, and then it is flat to my head. When I sit in a comfortable position, my back is rounded and my shoulders are hunched. Could the pain just be from underdeveloped back muscles? I am trying to flatten my back by tucking my rib cage and engaging my top abdominal muscles, but then I feel like I can't breath! I know that is a lot of questions, but my back and I would greatly appreciate any help!


Thank you.


feritayl's picture
Last seen:
11 years 1 month ago
01/30/2013 - 9:11am

Yeah, me too.  Much better with knees lower than the pelvis until you get used to it (when your muscles lengthen and strengthen).  I've been hunched for so long that all the structures in the front of my body are short and I get that feeling of not being able to breathe.  I took the first Foundations class today and was yawning all the time trying to get my breath.  It got better as I used my upper chest to breathe.

Best Wishes

JLW's picture
Last seen:
8 years 9 months ago
09/06/2013 - 12:45pm

I have the same issue. Stretch sitting and lying relieved my back pain of 8 months almost immediately, but once I started to Stack sit at work, I could not get rid of a constant tickling sensation around my midback, between the shoulder blades. I read the directions carefully and place my body just as Esther describes. I am not sure what to do, because I have to sit at a computer to accomplish my job, and to Stretch sit has now also started to bother me. At first I was also pulling down on my shoulder blades constantly, which irritated my rhomboids (I didn't realize I should pull down and then relax them).

I can only stack sit for a few seconds before I feel I need to "crack" my back by shifting my rib cage back and forth (which is very flexible from doing this move in dance classes) (in fact I am doing it as I type this). Maybe I am expecting too much from only doing this for a month so far, and I am stuck at trying to get Tallstanding right. It sort of hurts to put my feet in kidney bean. I realized I have been pronating my ankles and smashing down on my arches (which are very high and have not flattened). I think I can do Hip hinging, but I haven't tried Glidewalking yet.

mihneam's picture
Last seen:
1 year 2 months ago
07/21/2014 - 6:39am

When working at a computer, especially while typing or using the mouse, one has the tendency to contract the shoulder and rhomboid muscles. If in addition you also try to keep your shoulders back and make adjustments all the time, your rhomboid and shoulder muscles will get tired pretty soon and cause discomfort. At least this is what happened to me before I realized I used those muscles almost permanently.

Try to relax the muscles while typing and using the mouse and see id it has any positive effect on your pain.

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