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Monica Paolini
Monica Paolini's picture
Last seen:
9 years 3 months ago
08/17/2013 - 11:02pm

Any advice for those of us with spondylolysis? I have been diagnosed bilateral L5 spondylolysis with grade 2 L5-S1 spondylolisthesis. I do not have any debilitating back pain, but my low back hurts some times, and generally feels weak (despite the fact that I exercise every day - strength training with core exercises, or running). I have gone through all the book and found is very useful, and I keep working on this (it is difficult to change posture, it is so ingrained), but I cannot say the improvement has been great (again, I know I still have a long way to go to get used to sit, sleep, walk and stand in a new way) yet. So I would like to know whether there is something that I can do that is specifically useful for spondylolysis.

One thing that seems to help is the lumbar support belt - not so much for the support, but to remind me that I have to sit/walk properly. Is it ok to use? Or can it promote athrophy or have other undesirable side effects? 


lindaenger's picture
Last seen:
9 years 11 months ago
08/25/2013 - 3:15pm

I am looking forward to hearing what Esther has to say on this too because I am dealing with similar situation to 2 differnt people on variation of this subject in this forum.  After reviewing mri reports my PT told me no hiking, long walks, many yoga poses out , gardening out.... etc till inflamation goes down. BUt had to BEG for excercise to keep me from going bonkers with concerns of more injury , or from pain, or from atrophy or emotional well being from  lack of excerise! I have found Spondyinfo.com to also be a great imput I spoke to Justin who writes the spondy posts and has spondy himself and he gets lots of people wondering what about their yoga practice.  I loved meeting Esther in Tucson but could not budget time or money then to do full workshop . Using book and video here but really looking forward to more specifics with yoga.  As a part time yoga teacher with Certification I am greatly concerned with what I teach and more importantly for now  hurting myself more. I have removed myself from others classes till I work out the poses. YES ESTHER WE NEED YOUR VIDEO :) I also would love to connect youand Justin  at Spondyinfo.comI would love to be of help in any way I can . thank you. PS also because I have issue in both neck and lumbar I am very easy to throw out of whack. :)


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