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Stretchsitting with arms forward

bkroczak's picture
Last seen:
15 years 1 month ago
08/06/2009 - 3:03pm
Stretchsitting with arms forward
Hi Esther,

I have trouble stretch sitting while driving or typing at a keyboard - any activity where my arms have to be forward and doing something. Will this be something you will cover in the series of classes?

Last seen:
3 days 4 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Yes, certainly we work on this in class - bring it up as a question as well.

Are you finding that your arms drift back to their habitual location (remedy: reset them with shoulder rolls from time to time - they will soon get used to remaining further back). Does your torso pull forward away from the backrest (remedy: make sure you have a good attachment between your torso and the backrest). Are you coming close enough in to your tasks?
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