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Loose abdominals from pregnancy

Elithco's picture
Last seen:
14 years 9 months ago
08/18/2009 - 2:00pm
Loose abdominals from pregnancy
Hi, I have very loose abs from a pregnancy three years ago and have used yoga to lose the weight, but I have gotten stuck in that my posture hasn't improved much and my rectus abdominus (sp?) just hangs.  Will this system be able to help me with that?
Last seen:
8 hours 7 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Short answer - yes.

You can jump ahead to the inner corset chapter and get going with that (it will help you tone your abs big time and is also very important  if you are carrying your baby around.) In fact, using the inner corset is the natural way for pregnant women to tone their abs Also the ab exercises in the exercise appendix are sensible and effective.
Elithco's picture
Last seen:
14 years 9 months ago
08/18/2009 - 2:00pm
Thank you.  I've already started the exercises at the back of the book and especially love the planks.  I've already noticed a difference in my upper abdomen, although I still have a way to go.

Now that I have noticed my upper abs coming together, what I want to know is will this ever continue down the entire length of the rectus abdominus or will I have to do something else.  I'm trying to avoid crunches since you (thankfully) don't recommend them.  They are awful, but I don't know of anyone who actually has actually retoned this muscle with planks alone.

On top of this, I am planning to get pregnant again soon, and want to know if I read correctly, that women use the inner corset [i]while[/i] pregnant, to maintain abs?  Where can I read more on this?
Last seen:
8 hours 7 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Inner corset while pregnant is the same as inner corset outside of pregnancy. I don't have any further reference for you!  Regarding other techniques to tone abs when you are pregnant, consider dancing - that's my favorite way to tone abs. I mean a Latin/Afro type of dance form where you move your hips and involve your abs in doing so.
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