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Sacroiliac Joint

DRichards26's picture
Last seen:
11 years 9 months ago
07/30/2012 - 12:42pm
Sacroiliac Joint

I have to self adjust the right side of my sacroiliac joint 4 - 6 times per day. I cannot sit without it moving out of place. I had to raise my desk at work and now have to stand all day. I already purchased Esther's book but was wondering about the chair. Do you think it will help me with my s.i. joint problem? Virtually every part of my life has been changed because of my s.i. joint. Will I be able to sit again using this chair? Thank you!

charlenehannibal's picture
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago
12/15/2010 - 7:51am

Our students who have suffered from SI joint pain have experienced very positive results from the Gokhale Method's way of sitting, both through Stretchsitting and Stacksitting.  The length in the spine created by Stretchsitting is a wonderful way to create more space in your lower back and let your SI Joint find its proper home.  Stacksitting can be more of a challenge with SI joint problems because the pelvis may not want to antevert right away if you have pain there.  I would really focus on the the Stretchsitting and Inner Corset and Stretchlying first, then proceed to Stacksitting on the edge of the chair.  Our Pain-Free Chair is an excellent choice because it is conducive to both ways of sitting.  I personally cannot recommend it more highly.  I do much of my work in this chair and my students have all reported positive results to me.


I hope this is helpful to you!

Very best, 

Charlene Hannibal

Gokhale Method Teacher, Palo Alto/San Francisco

katestere's picture
Last seen:
9 years 6 months ago
11/15/2014 - 8:42am

Hello Esther, I have been struggling with tarsal tunnel for years and recently (8 months ago) saw a chiropractor to help stabilize pelvis and decreased nerve irritation at source. I have had popping in S I joint ever since a fwill on my sacrum when I was younger. The pain was debilitating and I remember "tucking" my pelvis to cope… And in ways find that I still do a bit of tucking today. As a result I have lost flexibility in my hamstrings, and so the flexibility has come from the SI joint/dysfunctional.Unfortunately the recent chiropractic adjustments flared up my S I joint really badly. I now have bilateral sciatica and lots of pain in both SI joints. I am a personal trainer and very aware of my body. I have worked with Eric Goodman @ Foundations training and learnEd how to hinge at the hips, etc. this method has definitely changed the way I move, however hinging at the hips literally feels like it is pyelling directly on my sciatic nerve & in flares it every time. How can I strengthen my backSide and move, hinging at the hips, if it irritates my condition? I have been wearing an SI belt for a few months which has only done so much. it seems as though you are not a fan of pushing through any type of pain? Is resting what I need-Because it doesn't seem to get me very far. I am 30 years old and have never been so frustrated in my life I am going on five years of chronic pain, very limiting pain and just want some relief so I can have my life back… And have kids soon too :-) please help!

lschmidt's picture
Last seen:
4 years 6 months ago
06/04/2012 - 2:26pm

Did you ever get a reply from Esher, "katestere"? I am surfing through the blogs about sacroiliac issue. 

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