I would like to know more about how I can best make use of the Posture Sensei. I think it would be very helpful for me as I tend to have lots of doubts as to whether I'm standing, sitting, lying correctly. I understand the teacher can help me with one if I sign up for a Foundations Course. Because I live in Oklahoma and there are not yet any teachers in the state, I would like to sign up for one of the intensive courses in a different state. I'm concerned that won't be sufficient time for me to make good use of the Posture Sensei. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can best make use of the Posture Sensei.
Becky Schaller
2 years 9 months ago
07/13/2017 - 7:53pm
Let me state my question in a different way. I understand the Posture Sensei is only used with a teacher. What the student takes with them is the sense or feel of what the good posture or alignment feels like. I'm also understanding that change happens gradually in baby steps. So for someone like me, it would make good sense to take a Foundations Course and practice continually afterwards. Then at some later point, go for an individual consultation and learn how your body feels when you're in a more advanced stage of alignment. Are those accurate understandings and conclustion?
5 hours 45 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Hi Becky,
Right now, PostureSensei is used in 1-on-1 settings. So, if you plan to travel to take an intensive Group Foundations Course, we encourage you to set up some sort of private (1-on-1) lesson during your visit to be able to use PostureSensei. In a 1-on-1 setting, the PostureSensei is very impactful in even just one lesson!
2 years 9 months ago
07/13/2017 - 7:53pm
Thanks, Esther. I will definitely set up a 1-on-1 time.
You helped me have better posture by focusing on my shoulders during an online free workshop. It's feeling more natural to stand that way so I feel like I've already gotten part of what the PostureSensei has to offer.