fbpx question on p.178 - leg swinging like a pendulum... | Gokhale Method Institute
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question on p.178 - leg swinging like a pendulum...

mrbkonline's picture
Last seen:
6 years 7 months ago
07/12/2010 - 7:44pm
question on p.178 - leg swinging like a pendulum...
I'm slowly working my way through the glide walking instructions.... I have a question from p.178 where it says your leg should swing freely like a pendulum. Does this happen while the toe is touching the ground?  I would think that when the toe is touching the ground it would prevent the leg from swinging...
Last seen:
3 hours 21 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
... and make you trip! The toe doesn't touch the ground in the swing phase of walking. Page 178 is part of an exercise to prepare you for walking. In this exercise it is useful to rest on the tip of the big toe so you can see what it feels like to have all the muscles around the hip joint and ankle joint relax. In real walking/glidewalking, your toe pushes off the ground, but then clears the floor (see the pictures on page 184).
mrbkonline's picture
Last seen:
6 years 7 months ago
07/12/2010 - 7:44pm
thank you for the clarification
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