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Book comments

Tom-'s picture
Last seen:
1 year 1 week ago
09/09/2009 - 2:26am
Book comments
Hi Esther - thanks for the wonderful book  [b][i]:-)[/i][/b] I thought the book in general is very accessible, easy to use and enjoyable to look at. A few minor critical comments/opinions: 1) interspersed throughout the text are positive comments from people. I personally found them distracting - it's the sort of thing you expect before the text. I think they could be okay (good even ) in the text if they were toned down a lot - they currently have the same 'look' as the instructions which confuses initially - I think they would be better & less intrusive with e.g. a very light grey background. 2) I found the 'Anatomy' appendix incomplete. From memory, for an absolute age I couldnt find out where the Psoas are - I know it's in the book [i]somewhere[/i] (I know I even read it but promptly forgot it too!) - I ended up finding it on the internet. I think they're may have been other muscles not shown there but I cant remember offhand Thanks again, Tom PS - 3) is there any info anywhere about how to become a certified instructor? (I presume one has to be certified to teach it?) Edit/ 4) I forgot: normally when you register in a forum, your email adress is hidden by default - here it's the opposite - I know there's the option to change that but I suspect some people dont notice. Maybe I'm just paranoid on the internet but I'd recommend changing that if possible. Apologies for all the criticisms - all meant in positive vein!
Last seen:
1 day 22 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
I totally appreciate your comments, the positivie ones and the constructive criticism. 1. I've heard this comment before, but much more often I hear that those comments encourage people to persist with the techniques. Light grey background sounds like a good in between measure. 2. Yes, I agree - this could be improved. The index is more comprehensive. "Psoas" appears under "muscles" - perhaps the muscles, or some of the most confusing ones, should have entries of their own. 3. This will be posted imminently. Just working out the contractual details. Feel free to call the Center and talk to me if you are interested - you certainly have the attention to detail required! 4. I will alert our IT person about this right away - thanks!
Tom-'s picture
Last seen:
1 year 1 week ago
09/09/2009 - 2:26am
thanks for the prompt response! #1 I think the problem was really that they were displayed the same as the instructions - that bothered me & [i]did[/i] confuse me a bit initially. In my work I sometimes have input into book layout/design so I can get more bothered about these things than necessary.. #2 you say: "The index is more comprehensive. "Psoas" appears under "muscles" - perhaps the muscles, or some of the most confusing ones, should have entries of their own." - That didn't occur to me at the time - I just looked under P - I did notice it eventually. #3 (teaching the method) is not really a short term option for me but it would be something I think I would really love to do. I'm in Germany which would make the whole thing more expensive - I'll have to save up me money! thanks, Tom
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Hi there Tom, I agree about point number 4 and have changed this. For some reason there isn't an option to do it under any of the settings, so I had to make the changes to the template files themselves. Many people have made this change, I'm not sure why the SMF developers haven't caught on. Good catch.
tim.lundeen's picture
Last seen:
12 years 1 month ago
03/25/2010 - 7:32pm
Thank you so much for this book! All my life people have been telling me to "Stand up straight", but I didn't know how. If they had only said "Lift your tail, roll your shoulders back, and strengthen your core" it would have been a lot easier :-) I actually have never had back pain, and found your book through a round-about route. For me, it could have been titled "The Architecture of Good Posture". I started doing yoga about 18 months ago, and love it, but have had really bad balance. I couldn't stand on one foot for more than a few seconds. So I started trying to wake up my feet, got a reflexology pebble bed and started using it. Then a friend suggested these new 5-finger shoes by Vibram, so I researched them and found out about barefoot running, and the problems that modern shoes create for our gait and stance. I got excited about possibly being able to run, and started trying it with my new shoes, but realized very quickly that I needed to build up my arches and work on my barefoot walking first. Researching walking led via Amazon reviews to your book... and what a great find. And yes, my balance is a lot better.
danz's picture
Last seen:
8 years 2 months ago
08/10/2010 - 12:02pm
[quote="Tom-"] "thanks for the prompt response! #1 I think the problem was really that they were displayed the same as the instructions - that bothered me & [i]did[/i] confuse me a bit initially. In my work I sometimes have input into book layout/design so I can get more bothered about these things than necessary.. thanks, Tom" [/quote] From my point of view, while the interspersed abundant testimonials were unconventional, the presentation worked for me. It drew and maintained my attention throughout the book. The instructions are certainly the meat of the presentation, but the testimonials represent very important information. It's the kind of information that facilitates the absorption of the technical material. I've read the book, started the six week class and still find the whole process almost incredible, but in a good way. Dan
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