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Lower Shoulder Pain...

Chris's picture
Last seen:
14 years 9 months ago
07/23/2009 - 1:27pm
Lower Shoulder Pain...
Hi Esther and anyone else reading... A while back I started to get pain in my lower shoulder on my left side, there were times when I could hardly work or even stand up without it being very painful. Here's the approximate point of my pain... Now I actually healed this almost perfectly a while back with a prolonged water fast. But ever since a child I have remember getting aches in both sides of those points of my shoulders whenever I try to sit up straight. I try to sit up correctly during work now and I do get very achie pains but more so in my left shoulder. I was wondering if it's normal to ache like this? I think I managed to sit about 7 out of 8 hours in the tipped pelvis position like you prescribed but my shoulders make it not very comfortable. Do you think it's mostly a sign of muscle weakness or misalignment? However there is something that I would like to clirify with you...I read in your book that athletes sometimes have trouble in finding their inner corset... I play a lot of basketball and might be why I am having a little trouble in this regard...I think I've found it, when I contract it, I certainly feel like my spine is getting stretched, I find it harder to twist my spine or bend forward (I just tried to do it and I heard a popping noise come from deep in my back), I am not actually contracting my 'showy' muscles such as 6-pack...Do you think that what I am referring to is my inner corset? However when I activate these muscles I am reffering to, I get some relief from this ache in my lower shoulder. It is like my shoulders are being given a little rest. Thank you very much for any input you can give me. Also, slightly off topic, Esther are you ever planning on doing a course in England?
lynnmarie66's picture
Last seen:
4 years 1 month ago
06/23/2009 - 2:42pm
Chris - I have a similar pain/tension in my shoulders, and it is also mostly on the left side.  It is on the right side as well but more so on the left.  Stacksitting has helped with it, because my whole back can really relax when I stack sit well, which gives those muscles a break.  To really stack sit that well for me requires a good sized wedge and good feet position, as well as very conscious breathing.  You mentioned that you are 'trying to sit up straight' and this makes me wonder if you have your pelvis in a good position.  Stacksitting is an effortless activity but it can be a little tricky to find a good position, and to do it just right.  Some clues would be that you have an even groove running up your spine and that when you breath up and down your spine elongates with your breath -- that is, your vertebrae are eased apart vertically (which takes the weight off of them).  When you are stack-sitting, do you use a wedge?  Are you fully relaxed when you are in this 'tipped pelvis' position? I don't think that the pain you describe is 'normal' and I suspect that it has to do with alignment and muscle strength, but more importantly, with muscle use.  Let's see what Esther has to say about this, but I imagine a few scenarios: 1) the muscles alongside the spine are not used to working and have a short resting length, so the vertebrae are practically sitting on top of each other maybe pinching a nerve or muscle causing this pain.  This would explain why Inner Corset and Breathing consciously relieves the pain, as they separate the discs and give create more room for nerves and muscles.  2) Over/improperly working the shoulders - I recently learned to use my deltoids to raise my arms (thanks Esther) and suspect that before I was doing all the work with my shoulders.  I play a lot of instruments that require lifting the arms, as well as doing a lot of reading and typing and cooking.  If I stop and pay attention, I am usually tightening my shoulders and upper back and supporting my arms from my shoulders when doing these activities.  3) We are said to store a lot of stress in our shoulders and neck and I suspect this aspect is contributing as well.  I wonder what Esther has to say.  I hope this is helpful, Chris
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