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LS Arch how to activate it

aslak's picture
Last seen:
6 years 4 months ago
12/17/2017 - 6:33am
LS Arch how to activate it

I wanted to ask about the LS-arch. Will the upper and midback affect the first pelvic tip efforts? If my upper and midback are locked (hinge or something), am I still able to tip the pelvis in isolation (and then it'd help the rest of the spine)? Are there any preliminaries that must be met, like a relaxed rear sacrum, and what if you have the 'no butt syndrome' (glute max is very short and hidden under a tucked pelvis)? I feel like the pelvis is also locked mechanically. One more important question is, what is the direction of the tipping movement? Is it ok to hurry progress by rocking on sitbones or by pushing a certain bone in a certain direction? Or is the tilt supposed to happen by itself? I can't get a picture whether the tail is to go down and back or just straight back from the L5.

Last seen:
6 hours 52 min ago
09/05/2014 - 6:51am

Hello - Thanks for writing!  I think that the best way to answer your several questions is to say start with the 8 Steps book at the beginning.  Following the order of the techniques will help with all the pieces of the puzzle you have presented.  If you start with Stretchsitting and Stretchlying on the back, and only focus on those for a week or two weeks, or even a month or a couple of months, your sense of various areas being "locked" will likely start to shift as your back muscles stretch and relax. Then the next chapters on Stacksitting and Stretchlying on the side will help you begin to get more flexibility at the L5-S1 joint. You can focus on those for a while.  By the time you add Tallstanding and Inner Corset, you'll likely feel more clear about the pelvis position.  We don't want to tense muscles and force the pelvis to antevert.  If you follow the book in order and study the pictures, I think your questions will be answered. The Gokhale Method approaches the body as a unified system, so all the techniques go together eventually.  

The best way to learn of course is with a teacher, either in an Initial Consultation or to take the Foundations Course. If there isn't a teacher near you and you aren't able to travel to see one, the book - and the DVD - have been very helpful for many people.  You can also learn a lot by going to a Free Workshop in your area, or attending one online. See http://gokhalemethod.com/classes-services/free-classes.  If you want to help your butt muscles wake up, check out the exercise in the back of the book for Gluteus Medius on page 213.

There's no hurry, so be patient. So, start with Stretchsitting and Stretchlying on the back, and see if you can find enjoyment in the re-lengthening of your back muscles.  Slow and steady wins the race!  

Wishing you the best on your posture journey -

Doreen Giles

Gokhale Method Teacher

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