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how to slightly hip hinge?

mirileh's picture
Last seen:
7 months 3 weeks ago
12/19/2013 - 6:52am
how to slightly hip hinge?
How do I do a slight hip hinge? When tilting a little (like when slightly leaning forward to wash dishes), which muscles should I use to hold my torso upright? 
(when doing a deep hip hinge, it's my lack of flexability that stops me. but when I'm doing a slight hip hinge, I'm not sure what to use and I suspect I'm using my lower back)
jose's picture
Last seen:
8 years 8 months ago
12/09/2013 - 11:37pm

I'd recommend getting the book, there is a whole lesson on hip-hinging with pictures, exact instructions, & its quite good. The muscles that hold you upright, making your torso and lower body as one unit is your inner corset. Deep abdominal muscles that tie in with your rib anchor. Seriously get the book & work constantly at what's troubling you.

2amysmith's picture
Last seen:
5 days 19 hours ago
12/05/2013 - 11:02am

Hello Miriley:

Thank you for your interest in hip hinging.  The process of the slight hip hinge is the same methodolgy of the complete hing.  The muscle groups used are the same.  You are using your external hip rotators, to allow the hinge/bend at the hips.  The upper trunk is held in place with a straight (protected spine) by using the erector spinae and the rhomboids.  These muscles work to hold you up as gravity is pulling you down.  Your shoulders should be in the Gokhale Method shoulder roll back.

If you feel you are not flexible, it is OK to spread your legs wider and bend at the knees at the end of the movement.  The goal is to get your hamstrings lengthened and long to allow the hinging process to take you further down.  Go easy.  A good practice is to hold your glutes with your hands (feeling the femoral heads) and do some small bends.  This will prevent you from bending at the waist or spine as your hands on your glutes keep you straight.


Good luck,

-amy smith

Robin Mandel
Robin Mandel's picture
Last seen:
7 years 3 weeks ago
04/05/2017 - 9:15am

Hi Amy,

I have a herniated disc at the L5-S1 level. Would you still recommend hip hinginging ? This is much lower in the spine. I have been going down on one knee instead of bending at all at the waist.What are your thoughts/

Thanks, Robin

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