I replied on a post on the gokhale forum about neck conditions but it was a post from a few years ago. The topic was about traction for the neck: Apparently it's possible to do this with a broomstick, but I can't really imagine how to do it. Are there any pictures or videos about this kind of form please?
And what do you think about the following traction methods:
1) Cervical traction with towel and rope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8xRxSNZkBY
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNCqgALE6rc -> Esther usually says that this kind of device pulls your chin up, but on the video it looks like his chin is quite angled down ...
3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzAaJv0qUI8 -> different kind of release but they are known around the world for their exercises
I really hope you could give a little bit of feedback.
Kind Regards,
4 hours 14 min ago
06/26/2016 - 10:33am
Greetings Björn,
Thank you for your inquiry. As a Gokhale Method Teacher, I will focus my answer on methods and teachings from our resources rather than external sources.
In Gokhale Exercise, 1-2-3 Move, Esther has demonstrated and taught a class on neck traction using a wooden pole. It is likely she will do one in the future.
1) Our website <gokhalemoments.com> includes over 30 videos. In the 'Gokhale Moments" video section<https://gokhalemethod.com/videos/gokhale_moment> , there are 3 specific to neck posture, lengthening, and strengthening.
Hair Pull <https://gokhalemethod.com/video/gokhale_moment_hair_pull>
Neck Shear <https://gokhalemethod.com/video/neck_shear>
Jaw Tension <https://gokhalemethod.com/video/gokhale_moment_jaw_tension>
2) On the "Shop" section, there is a page of recommended products. Four products for the neck are included here.
I hope you will join us in one of our many program offerings, whether Online, In Person, or Professional training.
Best to all,
Kathleen O'Donohue
Gokhale Method Teacher