Hi y'all, I'm loving the Gokhale Method! I have known for a quite a while that my hamstrings and probably also my hip flexors are super super tight. I'm wondering if there is a way to modify the stretch sitting so that I'm not only getting a stretch in my back, but my hamstrings too?
I'm trying to sit on the floor with a wedge to tilt my pelvis have my back streetched against the front of the couch and then also have one of my legs out in front of me to get a passive, comfortable/slight stretch on the hamstrings while I sit throughout the day. I'm experimenting with using my arms to hoist myself, tilt my pelvis until I feel a slight stretch in the hamstrings and then settle into that position to feel a continuous stretch on them. I would really love to get as flexible as the photos showing hip hinging!
Any suggestions/thoughts on any other ways I could stretch the hamstrings in combination with the sitting I'm already doing throughout the day? I'm finding between exercising, somatics, stretching, mobility work, trying to fit cardio in, etc. I could easily spend all day just setting aside time to stretch or strengthen something lol so any suggestions that work passively while seated would be awesome!
3 years 7 months ago
04/03/2015 - 6:23am
I personally like the position that you mention (stretch-sitting with the aid of the front of the couch, sitting on the floor with one or both legs extended). This will help the hamstrings to lengthen in a passive way. A couple of things:
1. It isn't necessary to sit on a wedge when you are stretch-sitting. If it ends up being more comfortable for you go ahead with it. At some point your well developed glutes might serve as your built-in wedge.
2. Another good way to stretch the hamstrings without adding an additional exercise is to bend well, using the hip-hinge method.
Sounds like you are on the right track. Good luck to you!
Cecily Frederick
Gokhale Method Teacher, Madison, WI