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Opinion on yoga book from amazon

demons's picture
Last seen:
13 years 2 months ago
08/21/2009 - 8:45pm
Opinion on yoga book from amazon
Dear Esther, I would like your opinion of a yoga book from amazon. The link contains comments about the book. http://www.amazon.com/Asana-Pranayama-Bandha-Fourth-Revised/product-reviews/8186336141/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1 Thanks
demons's picture
Last seen:
13 years 2 months ago
08/21/2009 - 8:45pm
Dear Esther, I meant to say what do you think of the type of yoga mentioned not an opinion on the book. Thanks
Last seen:
2 hours 17 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
What a strange coincidence - this is the style of yoga I grew up with! My family visited Swami Satyananda's Rajnandgaon, Madhya Pradesh ashram several times while I was growing up (for an entire summer one time) and I used to be a model for several of the swami's when they came to give lectures in Bombay. So I'm biased. I have a lot of nostalgia for the way yoga was first taught to me - from the variety of practices to the characters to the daily rituals even to secret trips to town to eat goodies and be bad. Negative: This school suffered its share of scandals as establishments based on the guru system seem to in this day of power amplified by modern means (I think it works fine when gurus have a handful of students in isolated forests.) On a physical level, I believe that the backbends I was encouraged to do, which included excessive lumbar arching, contributed to the back problems and need for surgery I had in my 20's. There was not a lot of precision in the way the asanas were described. In my memory, you just did the poses. Positive: You are offered a very colorful and comprehensive view of yoga. I'm really grateful for having learnt nethi, vastra dhauti, shankha prakshalana, tratak, the various bandhas, chanting, work yoga, pranayama, asanas, etc. etc. It really was fun. And in the seventies, there were a bunch of American swami's who would play songs like "Blowing in the Wind" on their guitars - how good does it get?
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